There is no shortage of books on retirement finance, but then not all books are created equal. Some are self-serving …
Own and Run Your Retirement: A Sports Team Analogy
Retirement planning, financing and execution is complicated. There is the seemingly simple but nonetheless elusive matter of recognizing the need, …
Your Portfolio is Not as Diversified as You Think
Financial investments are based on future expectations regarding returns and risks. Historical data provides guidelines for estimating both. While expected …
Present Value of a Growing Stream of Future Cashflows
At its core, retirement planning is about connecting present to future cashflows, where those cashflows might reflect your minimal annual …
Quantifying Your Subjective Beliefs
In what year do you think the first U.S. Social Security check was issued? Two people are asked this question, …
For Married Couples, Social Security is a Team Sport
Retirement advisors emphasize that Social Security decisions are among the most important decisions to make. Most encourage individuals to wait …
Comparing Countries on Perceptions of Financing Retirement
”The country’s (retirement) system (will) drop steadily to zero by 2035.” “The decline and eventual deficit concerns are being fuelled …
Emerging Risks in a World Beyond Covid-19
The year 2020 will forever be linked to a pandemic, a known global risk that most years manage to avoid. …